Briefly about me
25 years old, employee and student, I live with my girlfriend Nohelia and daughter Serena.
About my study
currently study computer science at the University of Buenos Aires.
My interests
main computer, reading and sports.
My non-Smalltalk experiences so far
use C + + and Java but only for work in college.
My Smalltalk experiences so far
I currently work for a telecommunications company in programming in Smalltalk in the platforms VisualWorks and VisualAge , database Gemstone and an inventory system called Condis.
Why am I interested in Smalltalk?
for my work, and that of the languages I know are the most interesting. SeaSide am very interested in it soon will migrate to that platform.
Will I stay with Smalltalk after the project is finished?
Smalltalk I chose long ago, beyond the participating projects.