
See also our Mentors mailing list. Access is public while membership is mentors only.

Name Country Mentor of projects
1. Aik-Siong Koh USA FreeCAD/Cobalt: 3D CAD with Motion Simulation (mentor)
2. Alain Plantec France Cairo support based on ROME (mentor)
3. Alexandre Bergel Chile Visualization of profiling information in Pharo and Squeak (mentor)
4. Andreas Tönne Germany Concurrency Architectures in Smalltalk (mentor)
5. Andres Valloud USA Refactored Hashed Collection Library (mentor)
6. Arthur Schijndel, van Netherlands Tutorial application for Suixo (mentor)
7. Beepeng Ang Malaysia Packaging Squeak as a DLL (sec.m.)
8. Brian OConnell USA OpenSSL Smalltalk wrapper (sec.m.)
9. Carlos Ferro Argentina Memory Manager for SqueakNOS (sec.m.)
10. Claus Gittinger Germany Porting Monticello to Smalltalk/X (sec.m.)
11. Dale Henrichs USA Web application to create custom Smalltalk images and Virtual Machines (mentor)
12. Davorin Ruševljan Croatia SmallFinger - framework for accessing fingerprint devices (mentor)
13. Dennis Schetinin Russia Framework for building semantic networks (mentor)
Concurrency Architectures in Smalltalk (sec.m.)
14. Diego Lont Netherlands Add functionality to Suixo (sec.m.)
Tutorial application for Suixo (sec.m.)
15. Diogenes Moreira Argentina Build a Pango based Text Editor (sec.m.)
GLORP & Magritte integration/refactoring (sec.m.)
16. Donald MacQueen USA OpenSSL Smalltalk wrapper (mentor)
17. Eliot Miranda USA Packaging Squeak as a DLL (mentor)
Progress Towards a Cross-Dialect Smalltalk FFI (mentor)
18. Ernest Micklei Netherlands Google APIs Smalltalk wrapper (sec.m.)
19. Francois Stephany Belgium Google APIs Smalltalk wrapper (mentor)
20. Geert Claes Malta Generate UML diagrams from Smalltalk code for Pharo (sec.m.)
21. George Herolyants Russia Pharo/Squeak integration with git/mercurial (mentor)
22. Gerardo Richarte Argentina PharoNOS (mentor)
Memory Manager for SqueakNOS (sec.m.)
23. Gerhard Obermann Austria Seaside tools (sec.m.)
24. Gilad Bracha USA Newspeak/Smalltalk Import/Export Tool (mentor)
25. Göran Krampe Sweden Cross-Platform Namespaces (sec.m.)
Pharo/Squeak integration with git/mercurial (sec.m.)
26. Hernan Wilkinson Argentina Memory Manager for SqueakNOS (mentor)
PharoNOS (sec.m.)
27. Hilaire Fernandes France Cairo support based on ROME (sec.m.)
Fast binary format for objects and packages (sec.m.)
28. Igor Stasenko Ukraine Fast binary format for objects and packages (mentor)
29. James Foster USA Cross-Platform Namespaces (mentor)
30. Jan Vraný Czech Republic Porting Monticello to Smalltalk/X (mentor)
31. Janko Mivšek Slovenia Brainstorming portal for better community decision process (mentor)
HTTP messaging library (mentor)
32. John McIntosh Canada Progress Towards a Cross-Dialect Smalltalk FFI (sec.m.)
33. John O'Keefe USA Cross-Platform Namespaces (sec.m.)
Swazoo web server/Grease improvements (sec.m.)
34. Jorge Ressia Switzerland Improving the Compiler Frameworks (sec.m.)
35. Joshua Gargus USA OpenCL support for Kedama (mentor)
36. Julian Fitzell UK Seaside tools (mentor)
HTTP messaging library (sec.m.)
Swazoo web server/Grease improvements (sec.m.)
37. Luc Fabresse France Supporting the Coral a scripting syntax for Smalltalk (mentor)
38. Lukas Renggli Switzerland Extensible but fast code and text editor (mentor)
Extensible parsing and persistency for Pier (sec.m.)
39. Marcus Denker France Improving the Compiler Frameworks (mentor)
40. Mariano Martinez Peck Argentina
41. Markus Gaelli Switzerland Squeakland education project (sec.m.)
42. Martin McClure USA Refactored Hashed Collection Library (sec.m.)
43. Nguyen Ngoc Tung Vietnam
44. Nicolas Petton France Swazoo web server/Grease improvements (sec.m.)
45. Panu Viljamaa USA Smalltalk-to-Javascript IDE (mentor)
46. Paolo Bonzini Italy Swazoo web server/Grease improvements (mentor)
47. Phua Khai Fong Malaysia FreeCAD/Cobalt: 3D CAD with Motion Simulation (sec.m.)
48. Randall Caton USA Squeakland education project (mentor)
49. Stan Shepherd Ireland Smalltalk application demo (mentor)
50. Stephan Eggermont Netherlands Add functionality to Suixo (mentor)
51. Stéphane Ducasse France Generate UML diagrams from Smalltalk code for Pharo (mentor)
52. Steve Cline USA
53. Travis Griggs USA Build a Pango based Text Editor (mentor)
54. Tudor Girba Switzerland Extensible parsing and persistency for Pier (mentor)
Extensible but fast code and text editor (sec.m.)
55. Yoshiki Ohshima Japan OpenCL support for Kedama (sec.m.)
56. Yuriy Mironenko Russia GLORP & Magritte integration/refactoring (mentor)

Updated: 17.4.2010