Biography for Angelina Chekanova

Briefly about me

I am from Russia, N. Novgorod, 22 years old.

About my study

I am a last-year student of N. Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky, faculty of Computing Mathematics and Cybernatics.

My interests

I am interested in Object Oriented Programming, computer graphics and web design.

I enjoy swimming, dancing, skating, learning foreign languages, reading books.

My non-Smalltalk experiences so far

4 th of April 2009 – present

Software designer in Avaya (ex-Nortel) CallPilot Sustaining team, Mera NN.


 Fixing bugs in C++, JavaScript, Visual Basic Script and HTML program code, implementing new features. Using ATL and MFC. Operating systems: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003. Version control system: Clearcase.



29th of July 2008 – 29th of January 2009

Intern in Motorola CDMA Department, Teleca Russia.


Programmed on C++, wrote tests for the project, performed debugging with GDB, used UML diagrams, learnt Qt, cppunit. As well as working on the project, performed some other tasks, given by Sr. Manager (for example, designed a class hierarchy with more than 10 classes). Operating system: Linux. Version control system: Clearcase (in command line).


October 2007 – December 2008



Trainee in TelmaLab. Studied C++, Java, Microsoft .NET, Realtime Operating Systems, Client – Server Applications, UML, English language.


Listened to lectures, did laboratory works, worked in teams.




My Smalltalk experiences so far

I have no Smalltalk experience, but I am willing to get.

Why am I interested in Smalltalk?

Smalltalk is an object oriented language with remarkable history. It influenced such languages as Objective-C and Java.

Will I stay with Smalltalk after the project is finished?

I am sure I will. It is a very useful language nowadays.


Updated: 9.4.2010