Biography for Joel Kitching

Briefly about me

I'm a third-year computer science student at the University of British Columbia with a passion for strange programming languages and web development.  Luckily Smalltalk fits the bill!  I worked at Smallthought Systems for an internship under the instruction of Avi Bryant et al., and learned the joys of all things Smalltalk and Seaside.  In terms of other open source experience, I have done a lot of work with the Drupal CMS built in PHP, and in general have a lot of experience with different distributions of Linux, server management, and the like.

About my study

Right now I am just finishing up three CS courses at school -- one on algorithm design, one on OS and system architecture, and one on software development.  I think that these courses will lend some very useful knowledge for a SoC project with ESUG.

My interests

Wide and varied -- I love travelling, I ballroom dance, I enjoy recreational running and biking, playing soccer, and cooking.  I'm trying to learn Chinese, the unicycle, and the guitar.  And I am always keeping up with the latest trends on computers and the web.

My non-Smalltalk experiences so far

I've placed Silver in an international web development competition, and I have worked at a web development firm for the past three summers.  I've done plenty of freelancing.  Outside of work, I've had experience with Python and Django, Scheme, C, C++, Java, and in general a well-rounded set of programming.

My Smalltalk experiences so far

I worked at Smallthought Systems, creators of DabbleDB and Trendly, for a four-month internship under Avi Bryant.  I grokked the ways of Smalltalk and, after an initial shock of not knowing what the heck is this strange interface, I fell in love with instant compilation, on-the-fly debugging, and developing applications while running them.  I built a dashboard for the company's administrative worker, and wrote an interface to a credit card processing API for DabbleDB.

Why am I interested in Smalltalk?

I love Smalltalk!  It's a great language, and I've no idea why most people who I talk to have never heard about it.  It's a joy to develop in, and I want to get more involved and see if I can build something that the whole community can enjoy.

Will I stay with Smalltalk after the project is finished?

Absolutely.  I already have since learning Smalltalk about two years ago.

Updated: 3.4.2010