
Fast binary format for objects and packages

Mentor: Igor Stasenko
Second mentor: Hilaire Fernandes,
Hilaire Fernandes
Level: Intermediate
Invited students: Tristan Bourgois
Students interested: Tristan Bourgois(very)

Monticello is widely recognized as a scalable and robust versioning and packaging system. However, a crucial feature is still missing. Source code is still the primary support to save and load applications. The idea of this project is to take the existing binary support, enhance it and incorporate it into Monticello.

This require the development of a package format to be able to load fast code without recompiling source code and supporting atomic loading of code as in professional Smalltalk environments.

Technical Details

VW parcel have a nice format that is optimized to load objects (any object graph) really fast. It would be good to understand the main idea.

Benefits to the Student

Great potential to have a huge impact in terms of users and feedback.
The student will learn a crucial part of smalltalk and will be able to gather precious knowledge about Monticello.

Benefits to the Community

Ideally, every user of Monticello (more than 1900 are listed on www.squeaksource.com) will find a benefit in this project.

Updated: 22.3.2010