
HTTP messaging library

Mentor: Janko Mivšek
Second mentor: Julian Fitzell
Level: Intermediate
Invited students: Ian Corne, Lakshan Perera
Students interested: Ian Corne(very), Lakshan Perera(very), Ilya Zadorozhny(very), Prateek Gupta, Reinout Stevens

Take the best parts of HTTP protocol classes from web servers, frameworks and clients, and create an HTTP package using Grease and Sport portability libarires.

Idea is to make an independent HTTP messaging library to be used for both web servers and clients, and also for internal use in web frameworks like Seaside, Aida and Iliad, to avoid unnecessary converting as it happens now.

Technical details

  • review current HTTP messaging libraries in Swazoo, Commanche, Seaside, Iliad and in several HTTP clients,
  • take the best from all of current implementations,
  • reference implementation in Swazoo,
  • cooperate with all interested communities (Swazoo, Aida, Iliad, Seaside and others).

Benefits to the Student

  • gaining in-depth knowledge of the HTTP protocol,
  • mastering the networking code in Smalltalk,
  • giving valuable contribution to the community.

Benefits to the Community

  • All Smalltalk web frameworks and libraries will get a common HTTP messaging library to avoid duplication of efforts.

Updated: 22.3.2010